
Friday, February 17, 2012

Israel & Iran - subtext Palestine

Somone has said that relations between nations are affected by the same attitudes which are evident in human relations - e.g. aggression begets aggression. Absolutely!

It is obvious that the Iranian zeal for nuclear arms is a reaction to the aggressive stance of the world towards her, especially the US and Israel. Pakistan has nuclear weapons so does India, but apparently that's OK because the Israel has no argument with them. Friends can have the weapons but unsurprisingly, not a country with which there is enmity. Clearly it is the Palestinian issue, as Osama bin Laden once asserted. Can force end this old contest? No way! Israel has virtually ensured that it will never be resolved.

What is surprising is that the Arab states, generally Sunni Islam dictatorships, rather than Shiite, have kept out of the argument, presumably being more content to be happy producers of oil wealth. They know which side their bread is buttered!

But, a word of warning! With the Arab Spring on the move in various Arab countries the status quo may well, in time, change dramatically.

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