Unlike family life, our politics is based on competition. Families are created by a common interest, so that all of the group find the cooperation of unselfish love benefits the whole with the example and encouragement it gives.
But, ‘where there is money there is a will’ as wealthy families regularly attest. The love of money is the root of all evil, for money is power.
In politics there can be differing convictions as to what is best for the country. For some, this is based on a constructive rivalry - competition that is genuinely friendly. Fair enough if it is, but is it? And why isn’t it?
Just saw a Getup video of a secret crisis meeting of the mining industry relating how the press could be manipulated to their advantage through the power of money. With their exponential exports pushing the dollar high, high wage rates ruining Australian manufacture, their greed knows no bounds.
In Athens, politics was a family-like community affair, in which everyone joined in to settle each issue. That is still our ideal isn’t it? Only the people can do this by a rejuvenation of ‘representation of the people’ to the exclusion of the power of the press, lobby, pressure groups and parties to dominate politics and ruin the power and authority of parliament and the people.
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