The Age today (2nd August)prints three letters highlighting the public despair felt by many at the state of our ‘democracy’ (for which read party politics). The odd thing is that the Age, in highlighting such angst, pretends concern but takes no action to call for real answers to the very real dilemma of our political system’s failure. We can put a man on the moon but cannot resolve the simple problems of how to live together in a prosperous land. Why is this so?
People supinely, weakly, cry: ‘It’s human nature’! Of course it is, and we can find the answer if we really want to. It already exists.
Ballots in parliament.
This is clearly the simplest, most effective way to restore the fortunes of our democracy and to even make it attractive as an export product, instead of sending troops overseas to ‘win the hearts and minds’ with tanks and guns – which is really pretty stupid as well as just plain WRONG.
Previous posts have spelt out how it will work, and work perfectly through the involvement of the people, and the resulting independent all the MPs—a really novel idea! All this is set out in earlier posts in—A Common Sense Democracy Parts I, June 9th, II, July 8thand III, July 12th, plus many other explanatory articles, such as Recovering Democracy, Sep 14th 2007, and our website—‘’
The petty nature, and comprehensive failure of party politics to resolve the growing problems that face our country, not to mention our world, condemn it as an antique, outmoded way for the operation of any government, let alone governments which pretend to democracy.
Why then does the Age not call for change? Is it apparent concern mere window dressing, pretending to be objective? They do not, will not, allow any copy to appear on their pages, these many years since the ‘Ballot in Parliament’ was first mooted some thirty years ago.
Meanwhile we, and the world at large wander in the misery of a monumental failure of our ‘democracy’ to fulfil any of the progress in popular well being which Abraham Lincoln set forth so succinctly in his definition of the democratic ideal—government OF the people, BY the people, FOR the people.
The Ballot in parliament will quickly fulfil that promise in its entirety—the involvement of the people quickly securing our politics from the evil shenanigans of the power hungry, who have held us to ransom for so long. It’s time for action—intelligent action— to recover democracy, in our time—e.g NOW.
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