
Thursday, November 17, 2005

The New Democracy - in a Nutshell

Party politics is government by bullies with our reps dominated by party
With secret ballots in parliament they will all be independent and answerable only to their own constituents. They will then be sure to hold regular meetings locally so we can talk to them.
In parliament they will enter into debate on each issue, as required, on our behalf alone, and will each be confident on getting a fair hearing from the rest of the free MPs. Minority interests will be able to be heard without fear as they will have no special power. Personality politics will be soon seen as counterproductive and will vanish.
With the executive team formed by ministers who will all be individually
elected from, and by, their MP colleagues, and each directly responsible
to parliament, parliamentary government will quickly regain the respect
of the people.
This new process will usher in a new and far better kind of practical MP accountability (or responsibility to the electorate), based on the resulting public political stimulus and the effective dependence of each MP on the support of each body of constituents. The public meetings will prove a fertile breeding ground for rival candidates where sitting MPs waver in performance.
The effect will be a rapid increase in public participation and political sophistication, with vanishing apathy, and a rapid rise in MP statesmanship.

This is a radical, comprehensive reform which must not be dismissed on the basis of fear that an uninformed public could not handle it, but diligently assessed on its intrinsic merit. At present we have public demoralisation caused by the corruption of democracy. This reform will require an intensive public examination, in the light of the new political environment which we have every confidence will result from
its eventual adoption.

Let's not be afraid to examine a real alternative form of democracy.
The one we have is definitely 'broke'!

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