In a scathing article, (The Age Monday 25/7/05, p13, get it and read it) Dr. Graeme Orr of Griffith University and J00-Cheong Tham, of Liberty Victoria, claim that our democratic system has been sidetracked by big money infecting the party system. Lop-sided party wealth, from donations, advantages by incumbency etc mean that the major parties have a considerable advantage (like five times) over anyone else, when measured as an amount per primary vote We well know that the major parties have box seats in parliament, with the absence of a 'level playing field'. Orr and Tham are certainly right in their claim that: ... our political system 'is democratic in name only'. And that's the truth despite much rhetoric about 'our democracy'.
'The truth will set you free' said Jesus. Yes always, in any context, if we act on it, for truth highlights problems and also points to their solution
We need radical political reform through secret ballots within our parliaments, to recreate parliamentary government, real electorate representation, real parliamentary debate, and each executive unarguably responsible to its parliament
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