
Saturday, February 20, 2010

A Moral Issue

Saturday 20/2/10


The media today are having a ball with the shambles in our democracy. The prospect of a real democracy reminds me of the challenge that Hercules (Heracles) faced in cleaning out thirty years of dung in the Augean stables, in one day.

Strange as it may seem, the mess in our democracy can also all be swept away in one day - were we to eliminate the present system of open voting in our parliaments, which produces and supports every objectionable feature of our governmental system.

For example, ministers are answerable to the Prime Minister only. So Conroy can arrogantly refuse to disclose details of conversation with Murdoch. How come he is even talking to him. And Garrett is too busy to heed letters warning about the dangers of the rushed insulation program.

The point is that all communication should be through parliament with minsters serving and satisfying the parliament (of freely voting independents) or be sacked by vote of parliament. None of the present news furore would then occur, with all problems long settled by ministers' diligent attention to their responsibilities. And media turning from sensational stuff to in-depth analysis of the real problems. Do I really need to say more?

The rottenness at the top leaves the rest of society demoralised, and every evil unchecked.

Why do we, the people, not act to 'clean out the 'stables'? Good men are corrupted by the immorality of party politics. Where is the strong moral leadership - to put an end to it? We can't be bothered? After all, it is only necessary to agree that change must happen, and take the tiny step of membership for the New Democracy - a moral challenge if ever there was one.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Cockfighting in parliaments

In a constructive comment on the party political scene, in this election year, Tim Colebatch (Age 16/2) has upstaged all the political commentators with his insightful comment headed: 'The Climate of division hurts us all. The cockfight mentality of Australian politics fails to deliver when hard decisions with long term effects need to be taken.' Absolutely.

Leaders with power and brains are common. So are leaders with riches and popularity. But a competent leader full of integrity and skill, coupled with sincerity, is rare indeed. (Charles Swindoll in ‘Insight for ‘Living’.)

Left to themselves, leaders so often get it wrong. Why? Because they go their own way. And we let them! Blame the system? Well, why not change it?

We forget to our hurt that democracy means 'people' share in ruling, not just politicians.
Where is the infrastructure for the practical input of the people?

William Lederer, in ‘The Anguished American’ writes, page 227: (italics amending)
‘If many of us actively discuss the subjects which trouble us, if many of us scratch and dig for ideas and solutions, then we can hope to move ahead. Even if our individual solutions are not perfect, still, the continued efforts and expressed ideas of several million citizens cannot help but have a cumulative result. The effect— and there is no doubt about this—will nourish and vitalise the nation. Such is the strength of a democracy. It is only apathy, lack of interest, and fear which can destroy us.'

Democracy means participation is a privilege and responsibility of us all. It cannot get it right, and flourish, without the care of the people.